
Prepare To Attend an Internship, Co-op & Career Fair

The Co-op & Career Fair will be held at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center and registration will not be required to attend. At the fair, you will find tables staffed by representatives from each organization, which often include KSU alumni. Plan ahead by taking the steps below.

Before The Fair

  • Get a first person look at preparing for and navigating your Career Fair.
  • Prepare a visually attractive, well-thought out resume.  If you need assistance, meet with a  and review our resume writing resources.
  • Review employers attending the fair and identify and research those organizations you are interested in.
  • Prepare a one minute elevator pitch that provides the recruiter a summary of your background, achievements, and career interests. Some employers may interview you on the spot, so be ready to articulate your strengths, skills, and goals.
  • or schedule an
What To Wear
  • Professional dress is strongly recommended. Review your wardrobe to allow time for dry cleaning or last minute alterations.
What To Bring
  • Several copies of your resume on quality paper and business/networking cards (optional) to distribute to employers. 

  • A portfolio to hold resumes, notepad, and quality pen.

  • Get outfits for the fair at The Career Closet.

At The Fair

  • Review the program of attendees, table locations, and organize your time efficiently.

  • Meet with as many recruiters as possible (even if you do not see companies recruiting your specific major) as there are often "hidden" opportunities if you ask.

  • Introduce yourself. Show interest and enthusiasm by smiling and speaking clearly.  

  • Use a strong, firm handshake, and maintain good eye contact.  Body language can often speak louder than words.

  • Be assertive without being pushy. Pick up literature to take home and review.

Questions To Ask Employers
  • What kinds of positions exist within your organization for new college graduates?

  • Does your company hire on a continual basis, or just at certain times of the year?

  • How many employees does your company have?

  • Can you please describe the timeline for the hiring process?

  • What positions are currently available? As appropriate, leave a resume with the employer.

  • How long have you been with this organization?  What made you choose this company?

  • What does your company consider to be the most important qualities in an employee?

  • Ask what happens next in the hiring process and how you can advance your candidacy. Express appreciation for the employer's time in talking with you and ask for a business card.

After The Fair

  • Follow up with the recruiter within 48 hours to express your continued interest and find out about next steps.

  • View tips for great thank you letters to confirm your interest in the position and stand out among candidates.