
OTA Students Attend National Conference in Philadelphia

OTA Students Attend National Conference in Philadelphia 2017Six students in the occupational therapy assistant (OTA) program at Kent State East Liverpool recently attended the American Occupational Therapy Assistant annual conference and Centennial Celebration in Philadelphia, during which attendees observed 100 years of occupational therapy.

During the four days of the conference, the students and administrative staff members participated in educational sessions, a Centennial Bash and attended a ceremony that included a video presentation highlighting the historical milestones of the profession.

Also attending the conference were Harriet Bynum, OTA program director for Kent State East Liverpool, and Nina Sullivan, academic field work coordinator on the East Liverpool Campus.

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Photo: OTA students from the Kent State East Liverpool Campus who attended the recent AOTA annual conference in Philadelphia included (front, from left) Makayla Ammon, Shaye Starkey, Tacie Shannon; and (back, from left) Hanley Spencer, Faith Moore and Gabrielle Fawver.

POSTED: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 12:16 PM
Updated: Saturday, December 3, 2022 01:02 AM