
A Levels Chart

AS & A Levels International Education Programme

Listed below is a summary of current credit awarded by Kent State University for satisfactory performance on AS & A Level exams taken by students in high school through the Cambridge International AS & A Level Programme*.  

This chart gives information about these exams and credits earned for passed exam reports submitted to Kent State University after admission. Specific questions regarding how these credits apply to your selected major course requirements should be directed to your major program's college office.

LevelTest DescriptionKent State Course CreditTotal
A9706 AccountingACCT1X0006   6
AS9706 AccountingACCT1X0003   3
AS8779 Afrikaans First LangTRAN1X0003   3
A9680 ArabicARAB212023ARAB3X00036
AS9680 ArabicARAB212023   3
AS8680 Arabic LanguageARAB212023   3
AS9479 Art and DesignARTS1X0003   3
AS9704 Art and DesignTRAN1X0003   3
A9700 BiologyBSCI10110 k4BSCI10120 k48
AS9700 BiologyBSCI1X000 k4   4
A9609 BusinessBUS1X0006   6
AS9609 BusinessBUS1X0003   3
A9707 Business StudiesTRAN1X0006   6
AS9707 Business StudiesTRAN1X0003   3
A9701 ChemistryCHEM1X1004CHEM1X000 k48
AS9701 ChemistryCHEM1X000 k4   4
A9715 ChineseCHIN252023CHIN3X00036
AS9715 ChineseCHIN2X0003   3
AS8681 Chinese LanguageCHIN252023   3
A9274 Classical StudiesCLAS21404 k3CLAS21405 k36
AS9274 Classical StudiesCLAS1X0003   3
A9608 Computer ScienceTRAN1X0003TRAN1X00036
AS9608 Computer ScienceTRAN1X0003   3
A9618 Computer ScienceTRAN1X0003TRAN1X00036
AS9618 Computer ScienceTRAN1X0003   3
AS9481 Digital Media and DesignARTS1X0003ECON2206036
A9482 DramaTRAN1X0006   6
AS9482 DramaTRAN1X0003   3
A9275 EconomicsECON22060 k3ECON22061 k36
AS9275 EconomicsECON1X000 k3   3
A9708 EconomicsECON22060 k3ECON22061 k36
AS9708 EconomicsECON22061 k3   3
AS8021 English General PaperENG1X000 k3   3
A9093 English LanguageENG1X0003ENG11011 k36
AS9093 English LanguageENG11011 k3   3
AS8695 English Language & LiteratureENG1X0003   3
A9695 English LiteratureENG1X000 k3ENG1X000 k36
AS9695 English LiteratureENG1X0003   3
AS8291 Environmental ManagementGEOL1X0003   3
A9716 FrenchFR232023FR3X00036
AS9716 FrenchFR2X0003   3
AS8682 French LanguageFR232023   3
AS8670 French LiteratureFR232023   3
A9231 Further MathMATH120035MATH
AS9231 Further MathMATH1X0003   3
A9696 GeographyGEOG1X0006   6
AS9696 GeographyGEOG1X0003   3
A9717 GermanGER212023GER3X00036
AS8683 German LanguageGER212023   3
A9239 Global Pers/RschTRAN1X0006   6
AS9239 Global Pers/RschTRAN1X0003   3
A9687 HindiTRAN2X0003TRAN2X00036
AS8687 Hindi LanguageTRAN2X0003   3
AS8675 Hindi LiteratureTRAN2X0003   3
AS8058 HinduismTRAN2X0003   3
A9389 HistoryHIST1X0006   6
AS9389 HistoryHIST1X0003   3
A9626 Information TechnologyIT1X0006   6
AS9626 Information TechnologyIT1X0003   3
AS8053 Islamic StudiesTRAN2X0003   3
AS8281 Japanese LanguageJAPN252024   4
A9084 LawPLST1X0003PLST1X00036
AS9084 LawPLST1X0003   3
AS9693 Marine ScienceTRAN1X000 k3   3
A9709 MathematicsMATH12002k5MATH11022k38
AS9709 MathematicsMATH11012k3   3
A9607 Media StudiesMDJ1X0003MDJ1X00036
AS9607 Media StudiesMDJ1X0003   3
A9483 MusicTRAN1X0006   6
AS9483 MusicTRAN1X0003   3
AS8024 Nepal StudiesTRAN2X0003   3
A9396 Physical EducationPESP1X0006   6
AS9396 Physical EducationPESP1X0003PHY1X00047
A9702 PhysicsPHY1X000 k4PHY1X000 k48
AS9702 PhysicsPHY1X000 k4   4
A9718 PortugueseTRAN2X0003TRAN2X00036
AS8684 Portuguese LanguageTRAN2X0003   3
AS8672 Portuguese LiteratureTRAN2X0003   3
A9698 PsychologyPSYC11762 k3PSYC1X00036
AS9698 PsychologyPSYC1X000 k3   3
A9990 PsychologyPSYC11762 k3PSYC1X00036
AS9990 PsychologyPSYC1X000 k3   3
A6042 Pure MathMATH1X0006   6
A9699 SociologySOC12050 k3SOC1X000 k36
AS9699 SociologySOC12050 k3   3
A9719 SpanishSPAN282023SPAN3X00036
AS8665 Spanish First LangSPAN282023   3
AS8685 Spanish LanguageSPAN282023   3
AS8673 Spanish LiteratureSPAN282023   3
A9689 TamilTRAN2X0003TRAN2X00036
AS9689 TamilTRAN2X0003   3
AS8689 Tamil LanguageTRAN2X0003   3
A9694 Thinking SkillsTRAN1X0006   6
AS9694 Thinking SkillsPHIL1X0003   3
A9395 Travel and TourismTRAN1X0006   6
AS9395 Travel and TourismTRAN1X0003   3
A9676 UrduTRAN2X0003TRAN2X00036
AS8686 Urdu LanguageTRAN2X0003   3
A9686 Urdu Pakistan OnlyTRAN2X0003TRAN2X00036

*AS and A Level exams will be accepted for credit from the approved sources in our Kent State University Catalog Academic Policy. This chart reflects Cambridge exam numbers and syllabi, but exams from other sources will be cross-referenced by the Office of Global Education upon evaluation of scores.

k - This indicates that the course will count towards a Kent Core area on the student's graduation audit.