
How can I manually add a student to the My Courses roster?

To add a teaching assistant or guest to the class list in My Courses:

Step 1. Log into FlashLine from either http://www.kent.edu


Step 2. Under Faculty & Advisors, select Faculty Dashboard

Step 3. Select Class Rosters: Summary View

Step 4. Select the term and the course to which you want to add the guest


Step 5. Click on Configuration Tools, next click Members.


Step 6. Click Add Members and search for the user by e-mail address

Step 7. Select the user to be added.

Step 8. Select either the Teaching Assistant or Guest Access button

Step 9. Add the member.

POSTED: Thursday, June 30, 2016 12:34 PM
Updated: Thursday, June 30, 2016 12:34 PM