Thomas Schmidlin
My research interests are in climatology, severe weather, and natural hazards. My recent work focuses on tornado hazards and risk of death, especially to persons in mobile homes and motor vehicles, improving tornado warnings, and how warnings are perceived and acted upon. Other recent research topics included severe winter weather and mountain climates.
Recent Publications​
- Ono, Y., T.W. Schmidlin. 2011. Design and adoption of household tornado shelters for Bangladesh. Natural Hazards 56:321-330.
- Schmidlin, T.W. 2011. Public health consequences of the 2008 Hurricane Ike windstorm in Ohio, USA. Natural Hazards 58:235-249.
- Kellar, D.M.M., T.W. Schmidlin. 2012. Vehicle-related flood deaths in the United States, 1995-2005. Journal of Flood Risk Management 5:153-163.
- Ballinger, T.J., T.W. Schmidlin, D.F. Steinhoff. 2013. The Polar Marine climate revisited. Journal of Climate 26:3935-3952.
- Van Meter, J., T.W. Schmidlin. 2013. Hurricane preparedness and planning in coastal public school districts in the United States. Natural Hazards 66:1029-1036.
Rahman, M.K., T.W. Schmidlin. 2014. The perception and impact of natural hazards on fishing communities of Kutubdia Island, Bangladesh. Geographical Review 104(1):71-86.
Phillips, M.C.K., and T.W. Schmidlin. 2014. The current status of lightning safety knowledge and the effects of lightning education modes on college students. Natural Hazards 70:1231-1245.
Rahman, M.K., B.K. Paul, A. Curtis, T.W. Schmidlin. 2015. Linking coastal disasters and migration: A case study of Kutubdia Island, Bangladesh. The Professional Geographer 67:218-228.
Paulikas, M.J., T.W. Schmidlin. 2016. The stability of passenger vehicles at tornado wind intensities of the Enhanced Fujita Scale. Weather, Climate, and Society 8:85-91.
Rahman, M.K., A. Curtis, M. Munro-Stasiuk, T.W. Schmidlin. 2017. Geospatial analysis of land loss, land cover change, and land use patterns of Kutubdia Island, Bangladesh, International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 8(2):45-60.
Kirk, J.P., S.C. Sheridan, T.W. Schmidlin. 2017. Synoptic climatology of the early 21st century drought in the Colorado River Basin and relationships to reservoir water levels. International Journal of Climatology 37:2424-2437.
Rahman, M.K., T. Crawford, T.W. Schmidlin. 2017. Spatio-temporal analysis of road traffic accident fatality in Bangladesh integrating newspaper accounts and gridded population data. GeoJournal, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-017-9791-x
Kirk, J.P., T.W. Schmidlin. 2017. Large precipitation event variability among headwater SNOTEL sites and impacts on streamflow in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Physical Geography
M.S. University of Nevada-Reno
B.S. Iowa State University
- American Meteorological Society
- National Weather Association
- Association of American Geographers