Opioids in Communities—Libraries in Response
Project name: Opioids in Communities—Libraries in Response
Researchers: Dr. Meghan Harper, Kent State University
Project timeline: August 2018
Summary: Dr. Harper paired with Sam Quinones as keynotes for a four-day series of events across Ohio in order to educate information professionals about the Opioid Crisis and the ways in which libraries can support their impacted patrons and communities. Each day-long event was packed with panels and discussion in between Dr. Harper and Sam Quinones' presentations.
Dr. Harper's presentation was titled Lending Hope: Promoting Resilience and Wellness in the Library. She advocated for holistic, nonjudgmental approaches in patron services and an ethic of care in libraries. The events were sponsored by the Regional Library Systems, the State Library of Ohio, and OhioNET and were funded by a grant from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
Resources to learn more
- from Dr. Harper’s presentation.
- of brainstorming activity at the Opioid in Communities” Libraries in Response events.
- A of resources librarians can use to assist patrons with the opioid crisis from WebJunction.