November 2014 Public Meeting
A public meeting for the ongoing Kent State University Airport Master Plan was held on the evening of Thursday, November 20, 2014, at the Stow-Munroe Falls High School. This event involved an open house format and focused on the alternatives development and evaluation process. Materials from the meeting are provided below:
Boards from Public Meeting
- Board 1—Introduction (PDF)
- Board 2—Master Plan Process (PDF)
- Board 3—Vision/Scenarios (PDF)
- Board 4—Evaluation Criteria (PDF)
- Board 5—Issues and Needs (PDF)
- Board 6—Scenario 1: No Build (PDF)
- Board 7—Alternative 1 (PDF)
- Board 8—Scenario 2: Town Gown (PDF)
- Board 9—Alternative 2A (PDF)
- Board 10—Alternative 2B (PDF)
- Board 11—Scenario 3: Balance Beam (PDF)
- Board 12—Alternative 3A (PDF)
- Board 13—Alternative 3B (PDF)
- Board 14—Scenario 4: Soar (PDF)
- Board 15—Alternative 4A (PDF)
- Board 16—Alternative 4B (PDF)
- Board 17—Next Steps (PDF)
Fact Sheets #2 and #3
Comment form