
Recipients of Excellence in Neuroscience Research Scholarship

Neuroscience Research Scholarship Winners

This award is directed to Neuroscience majors who have or are engaging in neuroscience research. The awardees will be selected from a pool of applicants who fulfil the following prerequisites: 1) Neuroscience major with a junior or senior status, 3.0 GPA, a self-nominating student research statement (400 words) and a letter of support (no more than 500 words) from their supervisory Faculty.

The Neuroscience curricular undergraduate committee and one graduate of the Neuroscience major, will select the best three applicants. Each will receive a $250 scholarship. Awardees will give a 10 min presentation during the award ceremony to be held at the end of the spring semester (April 2024).

Award committee: Dr. Chung, Dr. Piet, Dr. Bedont, Alyssa Novak, and Connor McVitt



Autumn Redd

Hello! My name is Autumn Redd, and I am a 3rd year neuroscience/pre-medicine major. I am currently working at the Brain Health Research Institute under Dr. Lique Coolen, and we are studying the effects of a chronic spinal cord injury on neuropeptide expression in the spinal ejaculation generator of male rats. I have worked on this study for upwards of two years, having presented at the 3MT, neuroscience symposium, and the Undergraduate symposium. In the upcoming future, I would like to attend medical school while also continuing to indulge in the world of research!

Kendra Dillon

I have the privilege of working in the laboratory of Dr. Aleisha Moore where I study the neuroendocrine basis of infertility. Throughout my time there, I have had the opportunity to become skilled at a multitude of laboratory techniques, present my research, and collaborate with different individuals. After graduation, I plan to pursue a career in embryology where I will work in an in vitro fertilization (IVF) laboratory.

Aidan Wade

In Dr. Jeffrey Mellott's lab at NEOMED, I have investigated age-related changes to the synaptic ultrastructure of the rat inferior colliculus. Last summer, I was selected to be an Amgen Scholar at Stanford University where I created a spatial map of receptor expression across the mouse hippocampus in Dr. Longzhi Tan's lab. I was recently awarded the NIH Undergraduate Scholarship, so upon graduation I will join the Noninvasive Neuromodulation Unit at the NIMH where I will study non-invasive neuromodulation techniques for psychiatric treatment in clinical populations. I hope to enter a PhD program next year to study clinical neuroscience!

Awardees of the Excellence in Neuroscience research awards. Headshots from left to right, Autumn Redd, Kendra Dillon, and Aidan Wade.


POSTED: Thursday, April 25, 2024 12:46 PM
Updated: Thursday, April 25, 2024 01:05 PM