
Tiffany Murray Joins Kent State University’s Division of Human Resources

Tiffany Murray is Kent State’s new Director, Gender Equity and Title IX Coordinator.

A former Kent State employee, Tiffany most recently worked at the University of Toledo as the Director of Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action and HR Compliance, where she had primary responsibility for  management of federal, state, and university compliance under Title VI, Title VII,  and Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as oversight of the university’s affirmative action plans.

“Tiffany’s extensive knowledge and experience in equal opportunity, employment, and HR compliance matters make her an excellent fit for our division,” said Jack Witt, Vice President for Human Resources. “Her return is a welcomed addition to our Compliance Department, where she will address the many challenges and opportunities of Title IX regulations and policies in support of the university’s faculty, staff and students.”

Prior to the University of Toledo, Tiffany worked as a Research Consultant for the Office of Associate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel at Kent State University. In that position she developed responsive briefs and litigation holds concerning labor and employment matters involving Title VI and Title VII protected class violations, ADA, FMLA, Workers’ Compensation, Unemployment Compensation Denial Hearings, Wrongful Termination claims, and employee claims, including research to coordinate resolution strategies involving AAUP & AFSCME collective bargaining issues.

Tiffany previously held several other positions at Kent State University, including Director of Records, Benefits and Compliance; Director of Records, Labor Relations and Employee Relations; Affirmative Action Coordinator; and Coordinator of Special Programs and Director of the Early Intervention Program at the Trumbull Campus.

Tiffany received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Kent State University, and a Juris Doctor degree from Western Michigan University’s School of Law.

POSTED: Sunday, August 9, 2020 09:49 PM
UPDATED: Friday, July 26, 2024 09:32 AM