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Bylaws of the graduate college council

  1. Name of organization. Kent state university graduate college council.
  2. Object and aim of organization. The graduate college council serves the university as the primary academic advisory body to the dean on those matters involving graduate college programs, policies and procedures.
  3. Membership.
    1. Members. The graduate college council consists of dean, the associate and assistant deans of the graduate college, the dean of arts and sciences, the dean of fine and professional arts, the dean of university libraries and media services, one member chosen by each of the departments in the graduate college, and six graduate students. Each faculty councilperson must be a full member of the graduate faculty. The six graduate students, to be selected by the graduate student senate shall each represent one of these broad discipline areas:
      1. Humanities;
      2. Natural sciences and mathematics;
      3. Social sciences;
      4. Fine and performing arts;
      5. Professional programs; and
      6. At-large.
    2. Voting privileges. All members of the council have voting rights.
    3. Terms. Faculty representatives are chosen by their departments in accordance with customary departmental procedures; the term of the councilperson so chosen shall normally be for two years with renewal possible. Graduate student members shall serve terms of one year with reappointment permitted. Terms shall commence the fifteenth of September.
  4. Officers. The dean of the graduate college is chairperson of the council. In the absence of the dean, a presiding officer shall be appointed by the dean.
  5. Meetings.
    1. Meetings shall be held monthly during the academic year. Special meetings may be called at any time by the dean of the graduate college.
    2. A quorum is necessary to conduct any council business. A quorum shall consist of more than half the council.
    3. Items of council business and agenda shall be mailed to all members of the council so as to be in their hands in advance of a meeting.
    4. New business of an emergency nature can be brought before council at any meeting if a majority of the members present agree.
    5. Items of business, other than changes in the bylaws, shall be passed if a majority of members present vote favorably.
  6. Committees.
    1. There shall be standing committees on curricula, graduate faculty, graduate student affairs, and long range planning. A slate of membership for each committee shall be prepared by the dean and presented to the council for approval in the fall semester. The term of duty is one calendar year.
    2. Agenda items for these committees normally shall be directed to them by council or by the dean of the graduate college. These committees shall report to council.
    3. Ad hoc committees shall be authorized by council upon need, and the method of appointment of their members shall be specified by council.
  7. Parliamentary authority.
    1. The parliamentary authority for graduate college council is defined in these bylaws.
    2. For parliamentary procedure not defined in these bylaws, graduate college council shall follow "Robert's Rules of Order."
  8. Amendments.
    1. Consideration of changes in the bylaws of the graduate college council may be brought before council at any time on motion duly made, seconded, and favorably voted upon by a majority of council present.
    2. The specific proposal to amend the bylaws shall be considered at the next regular meeting of council provided it has been circulated to the membership as required by paragraph (E)(3) of this rule. A favorable vote by at least a majority of council present at the meeting is necessary to carry the motion to amend these bylaws.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 01, 2015
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
2/8/1980, 4/22/1983, 8/14/1985, 1/9/1987, 3/3/1991