
6 - 18.101

Operational procedures and regulations regarding faculty office hours

  1. Policy statement. The purpose of this rule is to provide for minimum requirements regarding office hours required of faculty at Kent state university. The principal goal of office hours is to allow students access to faculty members. However, given the variations in time, location, and modality of courses (traditional, online or blended), it is possible that some flexibility within this rule may best serve student needs for access to faculty.
  2. Implementation. The following paragraphs reflect the minimum requirements regarding faculty office hours:
    1. During each regular academic year semester, summer session, or intersession in which a faculty member is the instructor of record for one or more courses (other than thesis, dissertation, or individual supervision), the faculty member is required to have office hours posted in the departmental office from the beginning of classes until the completion of the final assessment for the course. The faculty member shall notify each class of the hours during which the faculty member is available for consultation. A faculty member may either have fixed hours each week or offer flexible times for students.
    2. During a regular academic year semester, each faculty member who is the instructor of record for one or more courses (other than thesis, dissertation, or individual supervision) shall be available for consultation through office hours either in person or electronically for a minimum of five hours per week. During a summer session or intersession, each faculty member who is the instructor of record for one or more courses (other than thesis, dissertation, or individual supervision) shall be available for consultation through office hours either in person or electronically for a minimum of three hours per week.
    3. Each full-time faculty member teaching three credits or fewer in any regular academic year semester or in any summer session or intersession, as well as for each part-time adjunct faculty member, the expectation of availability may be adjusted upon consultation with the appropriate faculty governance body of the unit.
    4. Given the variations in time, location, and modality of course offerings (traditional, online or blended), it is recognized that availability may more appropriately be facilitated via synchronous electronic means. Faculty members are expected to offer at least some of their office hours in a way that is consistent with the instructional modality of the course. 
Policy Effective Date:
May 22, 2017
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
11/4/1977, 6/1/2007, 3/1/2015