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University policy regarding the employment of students

  1. Policy statement.  It is the policy of the university to employ actively enrolled undergraduate and graduate students in order to further the mission of the university, to provide opportunity for financial assistance and to provide meaningful work experience.  Such employment will be on a part-time basis and should support a student's academic progress. Furthermore, such employment is not intended to reduce full-time job opportunities for classified or unclassified employees.  The employment of students shall be consistent with applicable federal and state laws and statutes governing employment practices.
  2. Eligibility. This policy applies to employees whose status as a student is a requirement of employment. An individual who is currently employed as a member of the faculty, a classified or unclassified staff member or a graduate appointee is typically not eligible for student employment.
  3. Appointing authority.  The executive director of career exploration and development serves as the appointing authority for all student employees.  This position is responsible for establishing eligibility criteria and procedures for student employment including offers, modifications, and terminations of appointment for employees.
Policy Effective Date:
Jul 01, 2018
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
10/13/2009, 6/1/2013, 3/1/2015