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University policy regarding outside enterprises including employment of faculty and academic administrators

  1. Outside activities of a professional nature are encouraged if the activities are consistent with the individual's responsibilities to the university and in furtherance of the aims of the university. Indeed the university recognizes that one mark of an individual's distinction is the esteem in which he or she is held by those outside the university who may request his or her expertise.
  2. No individual, however, shall accept any employment or pursue other activity, whether of a professional or of a nonprofessional nature, which compromises his or her responsibilities to the university.
  3. Prior to accepting continuing remunerative employment, each member of the faculty or academic administrative officer shall seek and obtain approval from the chairperson, school director or regional campus dean, the appropriate academic dean, and the vice president for faculty affairs and personnel or designee. For regional campus employees, approval is also required of the associate vice president for the extended university. In the case of requests from a vice president, approval must be secured from the president of the university. The approval process must be repeated at the start of each academic year.
  4. Whenever there is a question or reservation about the effect of an outside activity of a faculty member or academic administrative officer upon the contractual responsibility to the prime employer, the university, the employee, and his/her responsible administrator shall inform and consult with each other. In the special case of a second teaching activity, it is inappropriate for a full-time university faculty member or full-time academic administrative officer while under contract to accept employment by neighboring or other external organizations to teach courses or to accept similar forms of employment if it conflicts with his or her primary responsibility to the university.
  5. When, after consultation with the individual, the chairperson or academic officer fails to resolve an apparent abuse, then he or she initiate a review by the appropriate advisory committee. If an abuse is found, it may lead to possible disciplinary action, consistent with the established academic policies of the university.
  6. An appeal from a denial of permission to engage in external activities, or against the findings of an advisory committee review, may be lodged with the next higher administrative officer.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 01, 2015
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
11/4/1977, 6/10/1978, 2/8/1980, 11/22/1985, 12/29/1986, 6/1/2007