
Direct vs Indirect Cost Matrix

There are costs associated with implementing a sponsored project that are program specific, and general costs incurred by the university for the administration of the program. For administrative and accounting purposes these costs are grouped into two categories - direct and indirect. Some costs, however, are not discretely direct or indirect and may appear in either category, depending on the circumstances.

General Criteria for the Treatment of Costs

This matrix indicates when a particular cost is normally charged directly or indirectly to sponsored agreements. This listing provides examples of costs most commonly associated with sponsored agreements. It is not intended to be all inclusive.

  Direct Costs (Charged to the sponsored agreement) Indirect costs or Facilities and Administrative costs (Not charged to the sponsored agreement)
Salaries & Wages with Fringe Benefits Faculty, technicians, research associates and assistants (including graduate research assistants and other students performing scientfic or technical work), postdoctoral associates and other technical and programmatic personnel that are necessary to meet the goals of the project. Administrative and clerical positions, such as secretaries, accountants, office personnel (including student workers), purchasing agents and buyers, administrative activities of directors and assistant and associate directors, executive assistants, and other administrators.
Travel Required to carry out the objectives of the sponsored agreement Related to administrative activities

Lab and scientific supplies

Chemicals/Radioactive material


Field supplies

Compressed gases and liquids



Rare and precious metals and nonprecious metals

Office supplies

Custodial supplies

Parts and supplies associated with repair and mantenance of general purpose equipment and facilities



Books and reference materials

Information & Communication

Printing: normally indirect unless the specific requirements of a particular

project scope clearly indicates a need for a volume of costs beyond routine

Photocopy charges: normally indirect unless the specific requirements of a particular project scope clearly indicates a need for a volume of costs beyond routine

Telephone long distance (project specific)

Postage: normally indirect unless the specific requirements of a particular project scope clearly indicates a need for a volume of costs beyond routine. Example: mass mailing

Advertisement: recruitment of personnel approved for a specific project, recruit- ment of research subjects

Reprints and page charges



Photocopy charges

Telephone - basic service, installation, repair, and line charges (including ATS, WATS, and fax)


Postage (including Federal Express, etc.)

Public relations

General Advertising

Dues/memberships ( other than those specifically required) in business, professional and technical organizations


Repaires & Maintenance & Operations

Repairs and maintenance (related to scientific and technical equipment)

Lease/rental of vehicles and other equipment

Lease/rental of off-campus facilities

Repairs and maintenance (facilities and general purpose equipment)



Participant expenses and student/trainee noncompensatory support (training grants)

Subject Payments


Consultant's fees

Legal and financial services


fines and penalties (including library fines)


Lab, scientific, and field noncapital


Technical and scientific capital equipment

General purpose noncapital equipment

(includes computer and electronic devices)

General purpose capital equipment