Materials Day 2021 Poster Gallery

Welcome to the Materials Day 2021 Poster gallery. Posters are in the same order as they appear in the program.

# Presenter NAME (Institute) "Title of Poster"
1. Hend BAZA (Kent State University) β€œInteraction of active droplets with director gradients in nematic liquid crystal”
2. Comrun YOUSEFZADEH (Kent State University) β€œHigh efficiency tunable liquid crystal beam steering device based on FFS Pancharatnam phase”
3. Sanjoy PAUL (Kent State University) β€œElectrically actuated liquid crystal elastomers”
4. Marta CZAPLICKA (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences) β€œDetection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) by SERS-based immunomagnetic optofluidic device”
5. Jiao LIU (Kent State University) β€œMolecular conformation of bent-core molecules affected by chiral side chains dictates polymorphism and chirality in organic nano- and microfilaments”
6. Amarasooriya JAYAWARDHANA (Kent State University) β€œDual-action organoplatinum polymeric nanoparticles overcome drug resistance in ovarian cancer”
7. Thiloka DASSANAYAKE (Kent State University) β€œSynergistic effects of copper-vitamin C incorporated alumina nanocomposite hydrogels for burn wound healing”
8. Sylwia BERUS (Instytut Chemii Fizycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk) β€œThe SERS-based sensor for the detection of sexually transmitted pathogens in the male swab specimens: a new approach for gonorrhea diagnosis”
9. Ariadna NOWICKA (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences) β€œFlexible SERS platform based on PET/ITO/Ag for detection of pesticides”

1. Hend BAZA (Kent State University) β€œInteraction of active droplets with director gradients in nematic liquid crystal”

2. Comrun YOUSEFZADEH (Kent State University) β€œHigh efficiency tunable liquid crystal beam steering device based on FFS Pancharatnam phase”

3. Sanjoy PAUL (Kent State University) β€œElectrically actuated liquid crystal elastomers”

4. Marta CZAPLICKA (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences) β€œDetection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) by SERS-based immunomagnetic optofluidic device”

5. Jiao LIU (Kent State University) β€œMolecular conformation of bent-core molecules affected by chiral side chains dictates polymorphism and chirality in organic nano- and microfilaments”

6. Amarasooriya JAYAWARDHANA (Kent State University) β€œDual-action organoplatinum polymeric nanoparticles overcome drug resistance in ovarian cancer”

7. Thiloka DASSANAYAKE (Kent State University) β€œSynergistic effects of copper-vitamin C incorporated alumina nanocomposite hydrogels for burn wound healing”

8. Sylwia BERUS (Instytut Chemii Fizycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk) β€œThe SERS-based sensor for the detection of sexually transmitted pathogens in the male swab specimens: a new approach for gonorrhea diagnosis”

9. Ariadna NOWICKA (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences) β€œFlexible SERS platform based on PET/ITO/Ag for detection of pesticides”