

School of Theatre and Dance Faculty Handbook

University Faculty Handbook

The Fashion School Handbook

University Faculty Handbook

School of Art Handbook

University Faculty Handbook

School of Communication Studies Handbook

University Faculty Handbook

CCI Explore

You were born to explore – to navigate an ever-expanding world of new ideas, new information, new people and new stories. The College of Communication & Information (CCI) is committed to offering innovative coursework, experiential learning, study away programs and internship and service-learning opportunities that expand your perspectives and your possibilities. 

College of Communication & Information

Kuldeep Singh

Assistant Professor - Department of Earth Sciences

Kuldeep Singh

Assistant Professor - Department of Earth Sciences

Rouzbeh Razavi

Associate Professor - Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship

Rouzbeh Razavi, Ph.D.

Associate Professor - Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship