

Jennifer Dantz

Administrative Secretary - School of Foundations, Leadership and Administration

Tammy Christopher

Administrative Assistant - School of Foundations, Leadership and Administration

Liz Porter

Director of Communications and Marketing - College of Aeronautics and Engineering

Amanda Leu

LGBTQ+ Center

Marguerite Loomis

TechStyleLAB - School of Fashion

Marguerite Loomis

TechStyleLAB - School of Fashion

Rebecca Cross

Faculty Part-Time - School of Art

Stephanie N. Jones

Special Assistant - Office of General Counsel

Stephanie N. Jones

Special Assistant - Office of General Counsel

Magical Designs for Mozart's Magic Flute

Magical Designs for Mozart's Magic Flute

Magical Designs for Mozart's Magic Flute is an exhibition conceived and curated by distinguished theatrical and opera designer Judy Levin to compare scenic and costume designs of this much loved opera. These selected productions, extolled for their remarkable visual achievements, speak to the many interpretations given to the opera by scholars over the years, as well as the role of the creative teams in shaping each production.

Thursday, September 29, 2016 to Sunday, January 8, 2017

Kent State University Museum