

Beverly Jones

Special Assistant - School of Health Sciences

Ms. Barb Feyesh

Human Resource Assistant - Army ROTC

Lynn Berk

Senior Lecturer - Speech Pathology & Audiology

Adonia Porto

Assistant Director/IBPYP Coordinator & Assistant Professor (ECED) - Child Development Center

Jeffery Huston, Ed.D., AT, FNS

Professor - NTT - School of Health Sciences

Morley Davidson

Associate Professor and Assistant Chair - Department of Mathematical Sciences

Mohammad Kazim Khan

Professor - Department of Mathematical Sciences

Mitch McKenney

Associate Professor - School of Media and Journalism

Misty Williamson

Senior Director, Operations and Budget - Division of Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement

Miriam Matteson, Ph.D.

Professor - Miriam Matteson, Ph.D.