

Dwyn Peake

Emerita Lecturer of Mathematics - Department of Mathematical Sciences

Drew Shipka

Director - Kent State Online

Dr. William Bintz, Ph.D.

Professor - School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies

Dr. Theresa Walton-Fisette

Professor - Sport Administration

Dr. Sue Grogan-Johnson

Professor - Speech Pathology & Audiology

Dr. Steve Rainey

Professor Emeritus - School of Lifespan Development & Educational Sciences

Dr. Stephen Mitchell

Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs and Graduate Education - School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies

Dr. Smith

2017 NEH Summer Institute for College and University Faculty: What is Gained in Translation?

Dr. Sloane Burgess

Associate Professor - Speech Pathology & Audiology

Dr. Scott Tobias

Associate Professor - Human Development & Family Science