Andrew Knotts
Lead Applications Developer - Systems Development and Innovations
Don Abbott
Lead Applications Developer - Systems Development and Innovations
Sameer Jaleel
Executive Director - Systems Development and Innovations
Barrett L. Beer
Emeritus Professor of History - Institute for Bibliography and Editing
Dean H. Keller
Emeritus Professor of Libraries and Media Services - Institute for Bibliography and Editing
Flapper Style: 1920s Fashion
Kent State University Museum
Sydney J. Krause
Emeritus Professor of English - Institute for Bibliography and Editing
Laura Davis
Emeritus Professor of English - Institute for Bibliography and Editing
Nancy Birk
Emeritus Professor of Libraries and Media Services - Institute for Bibliography and Editing
Institute for Bibliography and Editing
The goals of the Institute are to foster basic research in the Humanities and related areas that contribute to our knowledge and understanding of our political, social, and cultural heritage and to explore and lead the way in adapting computer technology to textual processing and production.
College of Arts & Sciences