


Welcome to KASADA, the primary organized group of professional and faculty advisors and student support personnel at Kent State University. This organization is an allied member of NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advisors. We support the goals and programs of NACADA. 


Honors College

We’re proud to provide an enriched educational option to our bright and bold students.

Honors College

University College

We help students explore, engage and succeed ... with purpose.

University College


Plagiarism, very briefly, is taking another person's ideas and presenting them as if they are your own. Remember, the instructor thinks that anything you present (paper, project, lab report, portfolio) is your own work. Anything that is not original to you should be cited as to whose ideas they are.

Kent Campus


TeleProductions is Kent State University's full-service video production center. For 60 years, TeleProductions' professionals have provided the university and the surrounding community with a wide range of media services, technical and instructional support and award-winning video and audio productions. 

College of Communication & Information

School of Visual Communication Design

The School of Visual Communication Design at Kent State University in Ohio is nationally recognized for outstanding quality in design education, with emphases in visual design, illustration and photo-illustration majors and degrees.

College of Communication & Information

School of Communication Studies

The top-ranked School of Communication Studies at Kent State University in Ohio offers communication degrees in applied communication and general communication.

College of Communication & Information

School of Media and Journalism

The School of Media and Journalism at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio is one of the most relevant, student-centered and ethically driven accredited journalism programs in the country.

College of Communication & Information

Master of Liberal Studies

Kent State University is one of six institutions in Ohio to offer the Master of Liberal Studies (MLS) degree, but the only one that allows a student to take courses from several different colleges or schools in the university. The KSU Master’s Degree in Liberal Studies therefore provides students with a unique opportunity to study at the graduate level in fields that are of interest and use to them. KSU Master of Liberal Studies students, under the guidance of the Program Director, select courses from across the university to form their own individualized and integrated program of study. Please visit the program's page for more information on Program Requirements

Master of Liberal Studies

International Programs and Education Abroad

Students in the College of Arts & Sciences can take advantage of study abroad opportunities all over the world.  We offer 21 programs in 13 countries, including our summer program in Florence, Italy.

College of Arts & Sciences