
College Credit Plus Application

Please be aware if you are interested in continuing in the CCP program for the next academic year (academic year begins with the summer term), you will not have to reapply.  Instead you will complete updates and return an update form emailed to your kent.edu email account.

Deadlines for Application

SummerApril 15
FallJune 1
SpringOct. 15


Summer and Fall 2025 applications now available!

IMPORTANT: Do not use your school email address on your application. Use your personal email address.


CCP Permission Form (PDF)


Complete Orientation

If you applied to a regional campus, please contact the CCP Office at the campus which you plan to enroll in coursework for their orientation information.

Before you start on your Kent State journey, you must attend a mandatory online CCP orientation. Once admitted to CCP be sure to check your Kent State email account for important information regarding orientation.

Available Testing Information