

The following items should help you better understand both the Tuscarawas Campus Handbook and other University documents.  This glossary is not all-inclusive, so you may need to direct specific questions to the Campus, academic department/school/independent college or academic college offices, as needed.

AAC – Academic Affairs Committee is a standing committee for the Tuscarawas Campus.

Academic College – An academic college is made up of departments and/or schools (e.g., the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of the Arts, the College of Education, Health and Human Services).

Academic Unit – As used in this handbook, the Kent Campus department/school/independent college (e.g., Chemistry, Philosophy, History, Technology). 

Ad hoc Committees – The Campus Dean may establish ad hoc Faculty committees and those which consist of other faculty members at any time.

Adjunct Faculty – Part-time faculty.

ALC – Academic Learning Commons Committee is a standing committee on the Tuscarawas Campus

AP – The University’s Administrative Policies and Procedures as appear in the University Policy Register.

Association – American Association of University Professors, Kent State Chapter (AAUP-KSU).

CAC – The College Advisory Committee is a Faculty governance body that advises the dean of the academic college on reappointment, tenure, promotion and other issues as described in the Collective Bargaining Agreement .

CBA – The Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiated between the Association and Kent State University.  Separate CBAs govern the employment relationships of Faculty and full-time non-tenure-track Faculty with the University.

CEC – Community Engagement Committee is a standing committee on the Tuscarawas Campus.

Digest of Rules and Regulations – A collection of the University policies and procedures that most directly affect students (http://www.kent.edu/emsa/ombuds.cfm ).

ECC – Electronic Communications Committee is a standing committee on the Tuscarawas Campus.

FAC – Faculty Affairs Committee is a standing committee on the Tuscarawas Campus.

Faculty – All full-time faculty members that hold tenured or tenure-track appointments.

faculty – All full-time faculty members. 

FC - Faculty Council is a Faculty governance body on each Regional Campus.  The FC is comprised of 11 members as described in Section 1 of this Handbook and advises the Campus Dean on reappointment, tenure, promotion and other issues as described in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

FTNTT Faculty – Full-time non-tenure-track faculty hired on an annual basis.

Junior faculty – All Assistant Professors and Lecturers.

OP – The University’s Operating Policies and Procedures that appear in the University Policy Register.

ORC - The Ohio Revised Code.

Promoted FTNTT – All full-time non-tenure-track faculty holding Associate Professor/Associate Lecturer or Professor/Senior Lecturer ranks. 

Quorum – A simple majority of those eligible to vote.       

RCFAC – The Regional Campuses’ Faculty Advisory Committee is composed of the Faculty Chairs from all Regional Campuses.

Regional Campuses System – Kent State University at Ashtabula, Kent State University at East Liverpool, Kent State University at Geauga, Kent State University at Salem, Kent State University at Stark, Kent State University at Trumbull, and Kent State University at Tuscarawas.

RTP – The reappointment, tenure, and promotion processes.

SAC – The Student Affairs Committee is a standing committee at the Tuscarawas Campus.

Senior Faculty – All tenured Associate and Full Professors.

Standing Faculty Committees – The Campus’ Standing Faculty Committees are comprised solely of faculty members; however, University administrators may be invited to attend and/or serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of these committees.

Task Force – Established by the Campus Dean and may include administrators, Faculty, and staff.

Term – The Fall or Spring semester or the Summer I, II or III session.

TT – All tenured and tenure-track Faculty.

UP – The University Policy Register.