

The ALA Student Chapter is designed to support library and information science students achieve their academic and professional goals.

Center for Student Involvement

The Doctoral Business Student Association (DBSA) is the representative body of doctoral students of the Kent State University (KSU) Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship.

A peer mentoring program supporting the Oscar Ritchie scholars in the College of the Arts.

The purpose of the Kent State University Chapter of AIAA is to advance the arts, sciences, and technology of aeronautics and astronautics.

Center for Student Involvement

GSAC works to enrich graduate student life for iSchool students through social events and professional development opportunities.

The OSA-KSU student chapter has been established to promote awareness about optical science and engineering among academic and local communities.

Center for Student Involvement

Brainchild is the literary and arts magazine that publishes the work of undergraduate honors students attending schools in the Mid-East Honors Association (MEHA). Our organization also hosts events throughout the year that are open for all to attend.

Center for Student Involvement

Our purpose is to help prepare aspiring law students for law school.

Center for Student Involvement

MEDLIFE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that partners with low-income communities in Latin America and Africa to improve their access to medicine, education, and community development projects.

Kent Chapter of the American Advertising Federation is Kent State’s pre-professioal advertising student organization, with affiliation to the larger professional American Advertising Federation.