
Student Life

Symone Baskerville Poses in Kent Fabrics During the Grand Opening

When Symone Baskerville came from Chicago to Kent State to study fashion design, she realized that living so far from home was not nearly as difficult a transition as living in an area with limited choices of fabrics available for to her to use for her class projects. So she changed that by opening Kent Fabrics.

Kent State Trumbull eSports Team Thunderbirds

The Thunderbirds kicked off their eSports season this month. The team wants you to know the sport is just like any other collegiate sport.

ASM undergrad fellow Gerbig and Dr. Smith test for Staphylococcus in the lab

City rats are unlikely to be on anyone's list of favorite animals, but researching exactly how they are problematic for public health provided a unique opportunity this past summer for Gracen Gerbig, Kent State junior majoring in Cellular and Molecular Biology.

Pacifique Niyonzima

Pacifique Niyonzima lost most of his family during the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Now he is earning a graduate degree in higher education administration at Kent State so he can give back to his native country.

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Nearly 40 students from Kent State University's Tuscarawas, Stark and Kent campuses recently participated in Kent State’s first site for the Global Game Jam (GGJ), a worldwide game-making event where creators gather at 800-plus sites around the world over a weekend to make games based on a single theme over a 48-hour period.

Dylan Elson (center) poses with Dr. Little (left), and Lorinda Craver (right)

Quick-thinking, experience and a kind heart describe freshman exploratory major Dylan Elson who took immediate action to help an employee during an apparent medical emergency. He was honored in a surprise ceremony by the Division of Student Affairs and awarded a plaque by Shay Little, Ph.D., vice president of student affairs.

Kent State graduates, students and crew adjust lights for the principle shot of the new Kent State commercial.

Three Kent State University students gained valuable video production experience by working on a new television commercial produced by the university as part of the new spring campaign.

Kent State Senior Journalism Major Christiana Ford travels to China with the National Association of Black Journalists

Kent State University School of Journalism and Mass Communication senior Christiana Ford was one of five students nationwide selected to participate in the National Association of Black Journalists’ (NABJ) all-expenses paid reporting trip to China in November 2018.

Students help prepare food at the Campus Kitchen at Kent State University.

The Campus Kitchen at Kent State University is celebrating eight years of making an impact across campus and in the Kent community, annually turning 60,000 pounds of leftover food into 18,000 meals.

Kent State Robotics Team Places Receives Third Place Award in NASA Robotics Mining Competition

From November 2017 to the day of the competition in May, the Kent State Robotics team spent months preparing for the competition held at the Kennedy Space Center. The competition is designed to mimic the procedure of having a robot on Mars if sent there by NASA. Along with 44 other university teams, the team worked together to design and construct a robot that is fashioned to mine simulated Martian terrain along with the gravel below it.