

Donald Head

Environmental Health & Safety Coordinator - Compliance and Risk Management

Dennis Baden

Mgr. Environmental Health & Safety - Compliance and Risk Management

Elaine Ramhoff

Administrative Assistant - Compliance and Risk Management

Constance Hawke

Assoc VP Compl & Risk Mgmt - Compliance and Risk Management

Darlene M. Kolar

Special Assistant - Facilities Planning and Operations

Melanie Knowles

Manager of Sustainability - Facilities Planning and Operations

Lawrence Brown

Director - Facilities Planning and Operations

Brady Oxender

State Relations Director - Government & Community Relations

Willis Walker

Vice President - Office of General Counsel

Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate is the faculty governing body for Kent State University. It is primarily concerned with matters of university educational policies, curriculum, academic and professional standards, and the establishment, discontinuance and major alteration of academic programs. The senate also possesses shared responsibilities and advisory responsibilities. In addition, the Faculty Senate may consider other matters pertaining to the welfare and mission of the university.

The Faculty Senate is located in the Schwartz Center, Room 227, and can be reached at: (P) 330-672-7822, (F) 330-672-7127, Web: www.kent.edu/provost/faculty-senate, Email: facsen@kent.edu.

Faculty Senate