

Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate is the faculty governing body for Kent State University. It is primarily concerned with matters of university educational policies, curriculum, academic and professional standards, and the establishment, discontinuance and major alteration of academic programs. The senate also possesses shared responsibilities and advisory responsibilities. In addition, the Faculty Senate may consider other matters pertaining to the welfare and mission of the university.

The Faculty Senate is located in the Schwartz Center, Room 227, and can be reached at: (P) 330-672-7822, (F) 330-672-7127, Web: www.kent.edu/provost/faculty-senate, Email: facsen@kent.edu.

Faculty Senate

United Way

Welcome to Kent State University's United Way Headquarters

Division of University Communications and Marketing

Women's Studies

A word about us. We are an interdisciplinary minor program – though our sights are set on the future. Here, we hope to grow - in fresh (and refreshed) partnerships towards critical, vital, sustainable ends that can and will benefit Kent State's students, faculty, our university community and those parts of the wide world close by and distant -- within our reach.

School of Multidisciplinary Social Sciences & Humanities

Zach Mikrut

Assistant Director - LaunchNET Kent State

Julie Messing

Executive Director - LaunchNET Kent State

University Budget and Financial Analysis

The mission of the Univesity Budget Office is to provide timely, accurate, quality reporting and analysis to assist the university community in resource management and the achievement of strategic goals.

Finance and Administration


Kent State University Museum