Work in Progress:
Work continues on the chilled water service lines in the 3rd floor east mechanical room.
Work continues on the steam service in the 3rd floor west mechanical room.
Installation of AHU#1 in the 3rd floor east mechanical room continues.
Unit #4 duct tie in…
Work in Progress:
Continuing the wall framing and electrical rough-in in room 101, 104, & 223.
Wall framing, electrical & plumbing rough-in continue in the new first floor restrooms.
Electrical floor box layout and core drilling has begun in 223.
Continuing the…
Work in Progress:
Rooms 101-104: Wall framing and electric rough-in in progress.
Machine shop framing.
New restroom: Interior Wall framing, Electric rough-in, plumbing fixture carrier assembly rough-in.
Framing in 223 has begun along with electrical rough-in.
Work in Progress:
Augarcast pile installation is complete.
Grade beams and pile caps are ongoing. Currently complete along column line 1 on the North and working south.
Started forming basement retaining wall along column line 1.
Forming of Elevator #1 (North)…
Work in Progress:
Wall layout and coordination has begun in rooms 101 & 104, 223 and machine shop.
Plumbing trenches in 101 & 104 have been backfilled and prepared for floor slab pour.
Underground plumbing rough-in was inspected and approved on 2/24/16.
Work in Progress:
Phoenix air valve replacement in the Annex research labs continues per schedule.
Continuing the chilled water piping in the 3rd floor east mechanical room.
Continuing the demolition of AHU#3.
Looking forward:
Complete the demolition of AHU#3 in the…
Work in progress:
Augercast pile installation continues in the SE corner of the site. Currently 315 piles have been installed and 30 remain.
Pile cap and grade beam forming and installation has begun.
Basement retaining walls forming to begin 2/25/16.
Elevator #1 (…
Work in Progress:
CMU wall in the receiving and student machine shop is complete.
Working on electrical raceways on the second floor.
Completed demolition on the second floor.
Looking ahead:
Carpenters to start layout & framing on Monday in 101…
Work in progress:
Augercast pile installation continues in the SW corner of the site and elevator #2 (South Elevator).
Work in progress:
Currently removing the louver on the 3rd floor west mechanical room.
Continuing the chilled water piping in the 3rd floor east mechanical room.
Started the demolition of AHU#3 in the 3rd floor west mechanical room.
Electrician has started ductbank for MCC…